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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • about • governance • policies • community-hotline.ftl
To report violations of the Community Participation Guidelines <strong>in { -brand-name-mozilla }’s communities</strong>, please click the “Report” button below. For more information on how to take and give a report, please read “<a href="{ $howto }">How to Report</a>”.
Untuk melaporkan sebarang perlanggaran Garis Panduan Penyertaan Komuniti di komuniti <strong>{ -brand-name-mozilla }</strong> , sila klik butang “Laporan” di bawah. Untuk maklumat lanjut tentang cara mengambil dan memberikan laporan, sila baca &quot;<a href="{ $howto }">Cara Melapor</a>&quot;.
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