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Entity en-US meh
Entity # all locales android_l10n • mozilla-mobile • android-components • components • browser • errorpages • src • main • res • values • strings.xml
<p>The requested site did not respond to a connection request and the browser has stopped waiting for a reply.</p> <ul> <li>Could the server be experiencing high demand or a temporary outage? Try again later.</li> <li>Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the device’s network connection.</li> <li>Is your device or network protected by a firewall or proxy? Incorrect settings can interfere with Web browsing.</li> <li>Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance.</li> </ul>
<p>Sitio jiniñu\'unu ntu kuvi síne jee ka̱a̱ nánuku nsiankuiñɨ</p> <ul> <li>¿Sana kue\'e ñivɨ kuvi kivɨ nu ka̱a̱ servidor a xíín nna\'va? Kunetu jee nakivɨ tuku</li> <li>¿A ntu kuvi kakanu nu inka daa nuu? Kune\'ya conexión ka̱a̱</li> <li>¿Red a xíín ka̱a̱nu íyo va\'a jii iin Firewall a xíín in Proxy?. Iin a nke\'i ntu vatu sanan sá´á a ntu kuvi jikanu nu Web</li> <li>¿A ndea nuvi? Ka\'an jíí tee teniñu nu red a xíín ñivɨ xiko Internet sa kuvi chineida noo\'o.</li> </ul>
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