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Entity en kab
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • shared.ftl
The { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } runs on a global network of servers powered by <a href="{ $policy }">{ -brand-name-mullvad }</a> using the <a href="{ $wireguard }">{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol. { -brand-name-mullvad } puts your privacy first and does not keep logs of any kind.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } iteddu s umata ɣef uzeṭṭa n yiqeddacen yellan ddaw leεnaya <a href="{ $policy }">{ -brand-name-mullvad }</a> s useqdec n uneggaf <a href="{ $wireguard }">{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>®. { -brand-name-mullvad } yettakk i tbaḍnit-ik·im azal amezwaru, ur isseklas ara iɣmisen n wacu bɣun ilin.
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