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When you’re at home, the risk of bad actors showing up on your home network is lower. However, your internet service provider (ISP) can track and share your online activities because all the data that you access on the web is routed through your ISP’s network, some of which may not be encrypted. A VPN can prevent ISPs from spying on you by encrypting your traffic to your VPN provider no matter where you are.
Saat Anda di rumah, risiko munculnya peretas lewat jaringan di rumah Anda lebih rendah. Namun, penyedia layanan internet (ISP) dapat melacak dan membagikan aktivitas daring Anda karena semua data yang Anda akses di web dirutekan melalui jaringan ISP Anda, beberapa di antaranya mungkin tidak dienkripsi. VPN dapat mencegah ISP memata-matai Anda dengan mengenkripsi trafik Anda ke penyedia VPN di mana pun Anda berada.
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