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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • privacy • data-preferences.ftl
{ -brand-name-mozilla } uses { -brand-name-glean } to collect website usage data on some websites in order to ensure that we’re delivering the best possible user experience for our visitors. { -brand-name-glean } does not share information with any third parties. Every piece of data we collect also goes through a strict review process. You can learn more about the specific types of data we collect in the <a href="{ $dictionary }">{ -brand-name-glean } Dictionary</a>. For more information about the way we handle and share your data on { -brand-name-mozilla } websites, you can read our <a href="{ $privacy_notice }">Websites, Communications and Cookies Privacy Notice</a>.
{ -brand-name-mozilla } usa { -brand-name-glean } pro colliger datos de uso del sito web sur alcun sitos web de pro assecura te que nos forni le melior possibile experientia de usator pro nostre visitatores. { -brand-name-glean } non comparti informationes con ulle tertie partes. Cata pecia de datos nos collige alsi va per un rigorose processo de revision. Tu pote saper plus del typos de datos specific que nos collige in le <a href="{ $dictionary }">{ -brand-name-glean } Dictionario</a>. Pro altere informationes re le maniera nos gere e comparti tu datos sur le sitos web de { -brand-name-mozilla }, tu pote leger nostre <a href="{ $privacy_notice }">Aviso de confidentialitate re sitos web, communicationes e cookies</a>.
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