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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • passwords.ftl
When an attacker steals the password database for a site that you use (like <a { $url_linkedin }>LinkedIn</a> or <a { $url_yahoo }>Yahoo</a>), there’s nothing you can do but change your password for that site. That’s bad, but the damage can be much worse if you’ve re-used that password with other websites — then the attacker can access your accounts on those sites as well. To keep the damage contained, <strong>always use different passwords for different websites.</strong>
Quando un attaccante roba le base de datos de contrasignos pro un sito que tu usa (like <a { $url_linkedin }>LinkedIn</a> o <a { $url_yahoo }>Yahoo</a>), il ha nihil que tu pote facer salvo cambiar tu contrasigno pro ille sito. Isto es mal, ma le damno pote esser multo pejor si tu ha re-usate ille contrasigno pro altere sitos web: alora le attaccante pote tam ben acceder a tu contos sur ille sitos. Pro mantener le damno continite, <strong>sempre usa differente contrasignos pro differente sitos web.</strong>
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