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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • passwords.ftl
For better or worse, we’re going to be using passwords to protect our online accounts for the foreseeable future. Use passwords that are <strong>strong</strong> and <strong>different for each site</strong>, and use a <strong>password manager</strong> to help you remember them safely. Set <strong>long, random answers</strong> for security questions (even if they’re not the truth). And <strong>use two-factor authentication</strong> on any site that supports it.
Pro le ben o le mal, nos continuara usar le contrasignos pro proteger nostre contos online pro le futuro previsibile. Usa contrasignos <strong>forte</strong> e <strong>differente pro cata sito</strong> e usa un <strong>gestor de contrasignos</strong> pro te adjutar a rememorar los con securitate. Defini <strong>longe, aleatori responsas</strong> al demandas de securitate (mesmo si illos non es le veritate). E <strong>usa le authentication a duo factores</strong> sur ulle sito que lo supporta.
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