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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • facebook_container.ftl
Installing the <a href="{ $fbcontainer }">extension</a> is easy and, once activated, will open { -brand-name-facebook } in a blue tab each time you use it. Use and enjoy { -brand-name-facebook } normally. { -brand-name-facebook } will still be able to send you advertising and recommendations on their site, but it will be much harder for { -brand-name-facebook } to use your activity collected <strong>off { -brand-name-facebook }</strong> to send you ads and other targeted messages.
<a href="{ $fbcontainer }">Proširenje</a> se lako instalira, a kad se aktivira, { -brand-name-facebook } će se otvarati u plavoj kartici svaki put kad ga koristiš. Koristi i uživaj u { -brand-name-facebook }u na uobičajen način. { -brand-name-facebook } će i dalje tebi moći slati oglase i preporuke na njihovoj stranici, ali će mu biti mnogo teže prikupljati podatke o tvojim radnjama <strong>izvan { -brand-name-facebook }a</strong>, kako bi ti na osnovi toga slali oglase i druge ciljane poruke.
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