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Entity # all locales mail • messenger • aboutRights.ftl
Some { -brand-short-name } features make use of web-based information services, however, we cannot guarantee they are 100% accurate or error-free. More details, including information on how to disable the features that use these services, can be found in the <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-service-terms-link">service terms</a>.
Neke { -brand-short-name } mogućnosti koriste informacijske usluge na webu, međutim, ne možemo jamčiti da su one 100% točne i bez grešaka. Više detalja, uključujući i informacije kako onemogućiti ovu mogućnosti koje koriste te usluge možete pronaći u <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-service-terms-link">uvjetima usluga</a>.
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