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As more of daily life takes place through the internet, online privacy and security become even more important. A VPN, <a href="{ $faq }">Virtual Private Network</a>, creates an encrypted tunnel between your devices and the internet, ensuring your connection remains secure and private while protecting you in two important ways:
Ko’ẽreíre hetave mba’e ojejapo ñanduti ñeikundahápe, tekoñemi ha tekorosã ñandutípe ha’e umi mba’e ojehecharamovéva. Peteĩ VPN, <a href="{ $faq }">Ñanduti mba’eñemiguáva</a>, omoheñói peteĩ tape ipapapýva ne mba’e’oka ha ñanduti pa’ũme, nde jeike hekorosã ha hekoñemívo nde rekomo’ã aja mokõi hendáicha:
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