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A VPN will protect traffic that you send between you and your VPN provider, whether through your browser, apps or other services. To set up a VPN, you’ll need to create an account with a VPN provider and install the VPN software on your computer or phone. When enabled, a VPN will handle traffic from all apps and software running on your device, so you can browse and communicate freely over a secure private network connection.
Peteĩ VPN omo’ãta jeporuguasu oikóva nde ha VPN me’ẽhára pa’ũme, taha’e kundahára térã tembiporu’i ha ambue mba’eporu. Emboheko hag̃uã VPN, emoheñoiva’erã mba’ete VPN me’ẽhára ndive ha emohenda VPN software ne mohendaha térã pumbyrýpe. Hendy rupihína, pe VPN ombohapéta jeporuguasu opa tembiporu’i ha software oku’evahína ne mba’e’okápe, ikatu hag̃uáicha eikundaha ha eñomongeta sãsóme peteĩ pyha hekoñemi ha hekorosãva rupive.
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