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VPNs do more than proxies in that a proxy only protects what you do in your browser, whereas a VPN protects all your traffic, including your browser, wherever you have a VPN installed and enabled. VPNs provide added security and privacy for all your online activity — an important consideration if you want to keep your activity to yourself and make it more difficult for data hungry trackers and ISPs to create a profile of you across all your devices, like your phone, computer and tablet.
Ko’ã VPN ojapove proxys-gui, peteĩ proxy omo’ãre ejapóva ne kundahárape añónte, hákatu pe VPN omo’ã opaite ne rembiapo, oĩháme avei ne kundahára, emohenda ha eiporuhápe pe VPN. Ko’ã VPNs ome’ẽ tekorosã ha tekoñemi jo’ajo’a opaite ne rembiapo ñanduti peguápe — peteĩ mba’e tuichapajepéva eguerekoséramo ne rembiapo ndéve g̃uarãnte ha embohasyve hag̃ua umi tapykuehohápe ha ISPs omondaséva ne mba’ekuaarã omoheñóivo ne mba’etechagua opaite ne mba’e’okápe, ikatúva pumbyry, mohendaha ha tabléta.
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