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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • ip-address.ftl
Every time you are on the internet, IP addresses are playing an essential role in the information exchange to help you see the sites you are requesting. Yet, there is a chance you don’t know what one is, so we are breaking down the most commonly asked questions below.
Eike vovénte ñandutípe, umi IP kundaharape tuichamba’e marandu jeju ha jehópe g̃uarã nepytyvõ hag̃ua ehechávo umi tenda ejeruréva. Upéicharamo jepe, ikatu ndereikuaái mba’épa upéva, upévare rombohovaipaite umi oñeporanduvéva ko’ág̃aite guive oikóva.
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