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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • more • misinformation.ftl
Social networks know a lot about you. Plus, they’re able to track you beyond their platforms with their Share and Like buttons despite Tracking Protection — even if you don’t have an account. The <a href="{ $container }">{ -brand-name-facebook-container }</a> for { -brand-name-firefox } makes sure that { -brand-name-facebook } and { -brand-name-instagram } can’t do this so easily, which again reduces the probability of seeing misinformation via ads and promoted content significantly.
Opaite ava ñandutieta oikuaa heta mba’e ndehegui. Avei, nde rapykuehokuaa ijyképe pyendavusúgui ivotõnguéra Moherakuã ha Amoneĩ rupi jepémo ñemo’ã jehapykueho rovake, ndererekóiramo jepe mba’ete umi pyendavusúpe. <a href="{ $container }">{ -brand-name-facebook-container }</a> { -brand-name-firefox } peg̃uarãva omoneĩ { -brand-name-facebook } ha { -brand-name-instagram } ndojapóivo hasy’ỹre, omomichĩve jeýva, tuichaháicha, marandu vai ñemurã rupive ha tetepy momarandupyre.
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