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Nearly all major browsers have a private browsing setting. These exist to hide the browsing history from other users on the same computer. Many people think that private browsing or incognito mode will hide both their identity and browsing history from internet service providers, governments and advertisers. They don’t. These settings just clear the history on your system, which is helpful if you’re dealing with sensitive personal information on a shared or public computer. { -brand-name-firefox } goes beyond that.
Opavavenunga kundahára oguereko ñeikundaha ñemiguáva ñemboheko. Oĩ oñomi hag̃ua ñeikundaha rembiasakue ambue poruhárava pe mohendaha rehegua. Heta yvypóra he’i pe ñeikundaha ñemigua térã jekuaa’ỹva ayvu oñomíta ne reraite, avei ne ñeikundaha rembiasakue umi ñanduti me’ẽhárape, tetarekuái ha ñemurãme. Ndojapói péicha. Ko ñemboheko omboguéta pe tembiasakue mohendahágui, iporãva reiporúramo marandu ndereheguaitéva eikuaaukase’ỹva mohendaha oiporukuaáva ambue tapichápe. { -brand-name-firefox } ohove ko’ãvagui.
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