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These principles will not come to life on their own. People are needed to make the internet open and participatory - people acting as individuals, working together in groups, and leading others. The { -brand-name-mozilla-foundation } is committed to advancing the principles set out in the { -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto. We invite others to join us and make the internet an ever better place for everyone.
Estes principios non se tornarán realidade por si propios. As persoas son necesarias para facer con que a Internet se manteña aberta e participativa – persoas actuando como individuos, traballando en grupos e liderando outras persoas. A { -brand-name-mozilla-foundation } ten un compromiso co adianto dos principios estabelecidos neste Manifesto { -brand-name-mozilla }. Convidamos a todos para nos acompañar na tarefa de tornar a Internet un lugar cada vez mellor para todo o mundo.
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