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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • windows-64-bit.ftl
If you’re running 64-bit { -brand-name-windows } (<a href="{ $version }">here’s how to check</a>), your { -brand-name-firefox } may already be 64-bit. <a href="{ $check }">Check your { -brand-name-firefox } version</a> (in the “About { -brand-name-firefox }” window) and look for “(32-bit)” or “(64-bit)” after the version number:
Se xa traballas cun { -brand-name-windows } de 64 bits (<a href="{ $version }">aquí tes como comprobalo </a>), é posíbel que o teu { -brand-name-firefox } xa sexa de 64 bits. <a href="{ $check }">Comproba a túa versión do { -brand-name-firefox }</a> (na xanela "Sobre o { -brand-name-firefox }") e procura "(32 bits)" ou "(64 bits)" tras o número da versión:
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