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Entity en-US gd
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • openpgp • keyWizard.ftl
<b>If you have an existing personal key</b> for this email address, you should import it. Otherwise you will not have access to your archives of encrypted emails, nor be able to read incoming encrypted emails from people who are still using your existing key.
<b>Ma tha iuchair phearsanta agad mu thràth</b> airson a’ phuist-d seo, bu chòir dhut ion-phortadh. Air neo cha bhi cothrom agad air tasg-lannan a’ phuist-d chrioptaichte agad agus chan urrainn dhut post-d crioptaichte a thig a-steach a leughadh mas ann o dhaoine a tha a’ cleachdadh na h-iuchrach làithreach agad a tha iad.
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