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Entity en-US gd
Entity # all locales calendar • calendar • calendar.ftl
Your calendar data is not compatible with this version of { $hostApplication }. The calendar data in your profile was updated by a newer version of { $hostApplication }. A backup of the data file has been created, named "{ $fileName }". Continuing with a newly created data file.
Chan eil dàta a’ mhìosachain agad co-chòrdail leis an tionndadh seo de { $hostApplication }. Chaidh dàta a’ mhìosachain sa phròifil agad ùrachadh le tionndadh nas ùire de { $hostApplication }. Chaidh lethbhreac-glèidhidh dhen fhaidhle dàta a chruthachadh agus ’s e “{ $fileName }” a tha air. A’ leantainn air adhart le faidhle dàta a tha air ùr-chruthachadh.
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