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Entity # all locales calendar • calendar • calendar-alarms.ftl
{ $count -> [one] The selected calendar has a limitation of { $count } reminder per task. *[other] The selected calendar has a limitation of { $count } reminders per task. }
{ $count -> [one] Tá uasteorainn de { $count } mheabhrúchán amháin an tasc ar an bhféilire roghnaithe. [two] Tá uasteorainn de { $count } mheabhrúchán an tasc ar an bhféilire roghnaithe. [few] Tá uasteorainn de { $count } mheabhrúchán an tasc ar an bhféilire roghnaithe. [many] Tá uasteorainn de { $count } meabhrúchán an tasc ar an bhféilire roghnaithe. *[other] Tá uasteorainn de { $count } meabhrúchán an tasc ar an bhféilire roghnaithe. }
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