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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • when-to-use-a-vpn.ftl
We’ve done the legwork to ensure that the <a href="{ $mozvpn }">{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }</a> actually respects your privacy, and it’s something we’re willing to stake our reputation on. { -brand-name-mozilla } has a reputation for building products that help you keep your information safe. We follow our easy to read, no-nonsense <a href="{ $principles }">Data Privacy Principles</a> which allow us to focus only on the information we need to provide a service. And since we are backed by a <a href="{ $mission }">mission-driven</a> company, you can trust that the dollars you spend for this product will not only ensure you have a top-notch security, but also are making the internet better for everyone.
Wy hawwe it nedige dien om derfoar te soargjen dat de <a href="{ $mozvpn }">{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }</a> jo privacy respektearret, en dêr wolle wy ús reputaasje op ynsette. { -brand-name-mozilla } hat de reputaasje produkten te meitsjen dy’t jo helpe jo gegevens feilich te hâlden. Wy folgje ús maklik te lêzen, no-nonsense <a href="{ $principles }">Gegevensprivacyprinsipen</a>, wêrtroch wy ús suver konsintrearje kinne op de gegevens dy’t wy nedich hawwe om in tsjinst te ferlienen. En omdat wy stipe wurde troch in <a href="{ $mission }">missydreaune</a> bedriuw, kinne jo derop fertrouwe dat de euro’s dy’t jo oan dit produkt besteegje jo net allinnich in earsteklas befeiliging garandearje, mar ek it ynternet foar elkenien better meitsje.
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