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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • privacy • faq.ftl
Yes. User control is one of our data privacy principles. We put that into practice in { -brand-name-firefox } on our <a href="{ $settings }">privacy settings page</a>, which serves as a one-stop shop for anyone looking to take control of their privacy in { -brand-name-firefox }. You can <a href="{ $data }">turn off data collection</a> there.
Jah. Kasutaja otsustusõigus on üks meie andmete privaatsuse põhimõtetest. Rakendame seda praktikas { -brand-name-firefox }i <a href="{ $settings }">privaatsussätetes</a>, mis lubab igaühel keskses kohas enda privaatsuse üle { -brand-name-firefox }is otsustada. Seal saad <a href="{ $data }">andmete kogumise välja lülitada</a>.
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