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Entity br en-US
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • neterror • certError.ftl
{ -brand-short-name } a implij stal CA Mozilla evit gwiriekaat eo diogel ur c’hennask, kentoc’h eget an testenioù roet gant reizhiad korvoiñ an arveriad. Dre se, ma vez daspaket ur c’hennask gant un enepvirus pe ur rouedad gant un testeni diogelroez pourchaset gant ur CA n’eo ket e stal CA Mozilla eo gwelet evel diziogel ar c’hennask.
{ -brand-short-name } uses the Mozilla CA store to verify that a connection is secure, rather than certificates supplied by the user’s operating system. So, if an antivirus program or a network is intercepting a connection with a security certificate issued by a CA that is not in the Mozilla CA store, the connection is considered unsafe.
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