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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • privacy • faq.ftl
{ -brand-name-mozilla } doesn’t know as much as you’d expect about how people browse the web. As a browser maker, that’s actually a big challenge for us. That is why we’ve built opt-in tools, which allow interested users to give us insight into their web browsing. If you sync your browsing history across { -brand-name-firefox } installations, we don’t know what that history is — because it’s encrypted by your device.
{ -brand-name-mozilla } doesn’t know as much as you’d expect about how people browse the web. As a browser maker, that’s actually a big challenge for us. That is why we’ve built opt-in tools, which allow interested users to give us insight into their web browsing. If you sync your browsing history across { -brand-name-firefox } installations, we don’t know what that history is — because it’s encrypted by your device.
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