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Entity en-US dsb
Entity # all locales toolkit • chrome • mozapps • profile •
Deleting a profile will remove the profile from the list of available profiles and cannot be undone.\nYou may also choose to delete the profile data files, including your settings, certificates and other user-related data. This option will delete the folder “%S” and cannot be undone.\nWould you like to delete the profile data files?
Lašowanje profila wótpórajo profil z lisćiny k dispoziciji stojecych profilow a njedajo se anulěrowaś.\nMóžośo teke dataje z profilowymi datami lašowaś, inkluziwnje waše nastajenja, certifikaty a druge daty, kótarež pósěguju se na wužywarja. Toś ta opcija buźo zarědnik "%S" lašowaś a njedajo se anulěrowaś.\nCośo dataje z profilowymi datami lašowaś?
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