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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy-hub.ftl
All tech companies collect data to improve their products. But it doesn’t need to include so much of your personal info. The only data we want is the data that serves you in the end. We ask ourselves: do we actually need this? What do we need it for? And when can we delete it?
Wšykne tech-pśedewześa daty gromaźe, aby swóje produkty pólěpšyli. Ale za to njetrjebaju wjele z wašych wósobinskich informacijow. Jadnučke daty, kótarež comy, su daty, kótarež na kóńcu wam słuže. Pšašamy se sebje: Trjebaśo to pópšawem? Za co je trjebamy? A gdy móžomy je lašowaś?
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