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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • best-browser.ftl
Remember the last massive data breach? If not, it’s probably because it happens so often. Companies hold on to customer data, like their personal or financial information, and hackers steal it. If you’re making safety a priority, then a secure internet browser is the best browser for you.
Dopominaśo se na slědnu wjeliku datowu źěru? Jolic nic, nejskerjej dokulaž se to dosć cesto stawa. Pśedewześa daty kupcow wobchowuju, na pśikład jich wósobinske abo financielne informacije a hackerje je kšadnu. Jolic wěstośe prioritu dajośo, jo wěsty wobglědowak nejlěpšy wobglědowak za was.
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