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Entity en-US dsb
Entity # all locales mail • installer •
$BrandShortName is a full-featured email application. $BrandShortName supports IMAP and POP mail protocols, as well as HTML mail formatting. Built-in junk mail controls, RSS capabilities, powerful quick search, spell check as you type, global inbox, and advanced message filtering round out $BrandShortName's modern feature set.
$BrandShortName jo e-mailowe nałoženje z wjele funkcijami. $BrandShortName pódpěra e-mailowe protokole IMAP a POP a teke e-mailowe formatěrowanje z HTML. Zatwarjone wóźeńske elementy za cajkowu kontrolu, RSS, mócne spěšne pytanje, pšawopisna kontrola pśi pisanju a rozšyrjone powěsćowe filtrowanje wudopołnjuju paletu modernych funkcijow programa $BrandShortName.
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