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Have you ever connected to a hotspot called something like <em>C0MCAST-WiFi-77th-St</em> or <em>Verizon3-Hotspot-Baltimore</em>? Looks legit, right? Not so fast. In reality, anyone can set up a phony public WiFi with a legitimate sounding name to lure people to use it. Connecting to any unknown WiFi makes you an easy target for creeps and criminals who want to access your device to steal private information, install malware or worse. <a href="{ $mozvpn }">{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }</a> can boost your security any time you’re connected to a public WiFi by blocking unknown entities from seeing private data that travels from your phone or laptop. This goes for connecting to WiFi networks at coffee shops, stores, doctor’s offices and so on.
Ydych chi erioed wedi cysylltu â phwynt WiFi o'r enw rhywbeth fel <em>C0MCAST-WiFi-77th-St</em> neu <em>Verizon3-Hotspot-Baltimore</em>? Mae'n edrych yn gyfreithlon, ydy? Www, dal dy ddŵr. Mewn gwirionedd, gall unrhyw un greu WiFi cyhoeddus twyllodrus gydag enw sy'n swnio'n gyfreithlon i ddenu pobl i'w ddefnyddio. Mae cysylltu ag unrhyw WiFi anhysbys yn eich gwneud yn darged hawdd i ymgripwyr a throseddwyr sydd am gael mynediad i'ch dyfais er mwyn dwyn manylion preifat, gosod meddalwedd maleisus neu'n waeth. Gall <a href="{ $mozvpn }">{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }</a> roi hwb i'ch diogelwch bob tro rydych chi'n cysylltu â WiFi cyhoeddus trwy rwystro endidau anhysbys rhag gweld data preifat sy'n teithio o'ch ffôn neu liniadur. Mae hyn yn wir am gysylltu â rhwydweithiau WiFi mewn siopau coffi, siopau, swyddfeydd meddygon, hefyd.
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