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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • when-to-use-a-vpn.ftl
A VPN provides an important security link by protecting your private data before it travels over the internet, and it also conceals your IP address, helping to protect your identity and location. It won’t, however, prevent you from things like clicking on suspicious links, downloading malware or being victimized by email fraud. You still need to practice <a href="{ $book }">good habits to stay safe online</a>.
Mae VPN yn darparu cyswllt diogel pwysig trwy ddiogelu eich data preifat cyn iddo deithio dros y rhyngrwyd, ac mae hefyd yn cuddio'ch cyfeiriad IP, gan helpu i amddiffyn eich hunaniaeth a'ch lleoliad. Fodd bynnag, nid yw'n eich atal rhag pethau fel clicio ar ddolenni amheus,llwytho meddalwedd maleisus i lawr neu gael eich erlid gan e-byst twyllodrus. Mae angen i chi ddilyn <a href="{ $book }">arferion da bob dydd i gadw'n ddiogel ar-lein</a>.
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