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Many of us spend multiple hours a day using the internet to do everyday things like watching videos, shopping, gaming and paying bills, all the way to managing complex work projects and having confidential video calls. A <strong>Virtual Private Network (VPN)</strong> is one of the best ways to stay private and secure online, and keep your personal data protected.
Mae llawer ohonom yn treulio lot o amser, bob dydd yn defnyddio'r rhyngrwyd i wneud pethau cyffredin fel gwylio fideos, siopa, hapchwarae a thalu biliau, a hefyd, o bosib, rheoli projectau gwaith cymhleth a chael galwadau fideo cyfrinachol. <strong>Rhwydwaith Preifat Rhithwir (VPN)</strong>yw un o'r ffyrdd gorau i gadw'n breifat a diogel ar-lein, a diogelu'ch data personol.
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