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Misinformation, disinformation – you’ve probably heard these terms in the past and wondered if and how they differ in meaning. It’s the intention that distinguishes them: Misinformation is any type of false information that people might fall for. It’s verifiably incorrect or misleading but hasn’t been created or shared with the intention to deceive people. Disinformation, on the other hand, is created and spread in order to misinform and reach a certain goal.
Camwybodaeth (misinformation), twyllwybodaeth (disinformation) - mae'n debyg eich bod wedi clywed y termau hyn yn y gorffennol ac wedi meddwl tybed a ydyn nhw'n wahanol o ran ystyr. Y bwriad yw'r hyn sy'n eu gwahaniaethu: Mae camwybodaeth yn unrhyw fath o wybodaeth ffug y gall pobl ei gredu. Mae'n wirioneddol anghywir neu'n gamarweiniol ond nid yw wedi'i greu na'i rannu gyda'r bwriad i dwyllo pobl. Ar y llaw arall, mae twyllwybodaeth yn cael ei greu a'i ledaenu er mwyn camarwain a chyflawni bwriad penodol.
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