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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • fingerprinting.ftl
You probably wouldn’t appreciate someone tracking your moves in real life. There’s no reason to accept it online. If you don’t already have { -brand-name-firefox }, <a { $url_download }>download and protect yourself</a> from digital fingerprinting.
Mae'n debyg na fyddech chi'n gwerthfawrogi rhywun yn tracio'ch symudiadau mewn bywyd go iawn. Nid oes unrhyw reswm i'w dderbyn ar-lein. Os nad oes gennych { -brand-name-firefox } eisoes, <a { $url_download }>cofiwch ei lwytho i lawr a diogelu eich hun</a> rhag bysbrintio digidol.
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