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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • fast-2023.ftl
Every computer program you run takes up some memory. If your computer is low on memory, this can cause a significant slow down. { -brand-name-firefox } aims for a balance – using enough memory to let you browse smoothly and leaving plenty of memory to keep your computer responsive.
Mae pob rhaglen gyfrifiadurol rydych chi'n ei rhedeg yn cymryd rhywfaint o gof. Os yw eich cyfrifiadur yn isel ar gof, gall hyn achosi arafu arwyddocaol . Mae { -brand-name-firefox } yn anelu at gydbwysedd – defnyddio digon o gof i’ch galluogi i bori’n llyfn a gadael digon o gof i gadw’ch cyfrifiadur yn ymatebol.
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