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In 1950, computers took up whole rooms and were dumber than today’s pocket calculators. But progress was swift, and by 1960 they were able to run complex programs. Governments and universities across the globe thought it would be great if the machines could talk, nurturing collaboration and scientific breakthroughs.
Ym 1950, roedd cyfrifiaduron mor fawr ag ystafelloedd cyfan ac yn llai galluog na chyfrifianellau poced heddiw. Ond bu'r cynnydd yn un cyflym, ac erbyn 1960 roedden nhw'n gallu rhedeg rhaglenni cymhleth. Roedd llywodraethau a phrifysgolion ar draws y byd o'r farn y byddai'n wych pe gallai'r peiriannau siarad, gan feithrin cydweithrediad a datblygiadau gwyddonol.
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