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Entity en-US cy
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • accountcreation • accountSetup.ftl
{ -brand-short-name } can allow you to get to your mail using the provided configurations. However, you should contact your administrator or email provider regarding these improper connections. See the <a data-l10n-name="thunderbird-faq-link">Thunderbird FAQ</a> for more information.
Mae { -brand-short-name } yn gallu caniatáu i chi estyn eich e-bost drwy ddefnyddio'r ffurfweddiad parod. Er hynny, dylech gysylltu â'ch gweinyddwr neu ddarparwr e-bost ynghylch cysylltiadau anaddas. Gw. <a data-l10n-name="thunderbird-faq-link">Cwestiynau Thunderbird</a> am ragor o wybodaeth.
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