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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • developer.ftl
{ -brand-name-firefox-devtools } now grays out CSS declarations that don’t have an effect on the page. When you hover over the info icon, you’ll see a useful message about why the CSS is not being applied, including a hint about how to fix the problem.
Wakami ri { -brand-name-firefox-devtools } nutz'ët ri CSS taq q'alajirisaxik, ri majun nikib'än pa ri ruxaq. Toq naq'axaj ri retal ch'oy pa ruwi' ri ruwachib'al etamab'äl, xtatz'ët jun jeb'ël rutzijol chi rij achike ruma man nokisäx ta ri CSS, ke ri' chuqa' jun retal achike rub'eyal nisol ri k'ayewal.
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