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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • developer.ftl
{ -brand-name-firefox-devtools } has a brand new shape path editor that takes the guesswork out of fine-tuning your shape-outside and clip-path shapes by allowing you to very easily fine-tune your adjustments with a visual editor.
Matyox chi re ri k'ak'a' nuk'unel rub'anikil { -brand-name-firefox-devtools }, man k'atzinel ta chik nilitäj rub'anikil nib'an kinuk'ulem jujun taq kib'anikil yesamajïx chi rij o nokisäx ri taq b'anikil clip-path, nuya' q'ij chawe richin ye'ab'än anin jeb'ël taq nuk'ulem rik'in jun tz'etel nuk'unel.
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