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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • best-browser.ftl
A browser is still a tool, so it makes sense that you’ll want to pick the best one for the job. If you’re a human who needs to work to survive, you’ll need a fast internet browser. One thing to keep in mind is a browser that runs third-party trackers is more likely to be slower than a browser that doesn’t. Third-party trackers are cookies, and while you can’t see them, they are running in the background of the site, taking up precious time. The more third-party trackers a browser blocks, the faster it can run.
Jun okik'amaya'l k'a jun na samajib'äl, ruma ri' k'o nub'ij toq nawajo' nacha' ri yalan ütz. We nawajo' yasamäj chi yak'ase', k'atzinel chawe jun okik'amaya'l ri aninäq nisamäj. K'atzinel nitz'et chi toq jun okik'amaya'l nisamäj kik'in kojqanela' aj rox winäq yalan niyoke' chuwäch jun ri man nisamäj ta kik'in. Ri kojqanela' aj rox winäq e kuki, estape' man yatikïr ta ye'atz'ët, yesamäj pa ruka'n k'ojlib'äl pa ri ruxaq k'amaya'l, nreleq'aj aramaj. Toq k'ïy kojqanela' aj rox winäq nuq'ät ri okik'amaya'l, aninäq xtisamäj.
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