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Entity en-US cak
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger • removeAccount.dtd
Removes all messages, folders and filters associated with this account from your local disk. This does not affect some messages which may still be kept on the server. Do not choose this if you plan to archive the local data or reuse it in &brandShortName; later.
Keyuj el ri taq tzijol, taq yakwuj chuqa' taq chayub'äl kiximon ki' rik'in re rub'i' rutaqoya'l chupam ri nimayakb'äl. Re re' man nutz'ila' ta jujun taq rutzijol, ri k'a yek'oje' kan pa ri k'uxasamaj. Man ticha' we nina'ojïx yeyak ri taq tzij k'o chupam o ye'okisäx chik pa &brandShortName; jub'a' chik na.
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