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A form was submitted in the %S encoding which cannot encode all Unicode characters, so user input may get corrupted. To avoid this problem, the page should be changed so that the form is submitted in the UTF-8 encoding either by changing the encoding of the page itself to UTF-8 or by specifying accept-charset=utf-8 on the form element.
Xtaq jun nojwuj rik'in ri rucholajil %S, ri man nitikïr ta nub'än kicholajil konojel ri Unicode taq tz'ib', ruma ri' toq rik'in jub'a' xtz'iläx ri rokem winäq. Richin man nuya' ta re k'ayewal re', k'o ta chi ri ruxaq k'amaya'l nijal richin tikirel nitaq pa ri rucholajil UTF-8 rik'in rujalik rucholajil ri ruxaq k'amaya'l pa UTF-8 o niya' retal accept-charset=utf-8 pa ri ch'akulal form.
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