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Failed to register a ServiceWorker: The path of the provided scope ‘%1$S’ is not under the max scope allowed ‘%2$S’. Adjust the scope, move the Service Worker script, or use the Service-Worker-Allowed HTTP header to allow the scope.
Man tikirel ta xtz'ib'äx jun ServiceWorker: Ri rub'ey ruk'ojlem okisaxel tz'eton '%1$S' man k'o ta chuxe' ri nïm ruq'i'oj ya'on q'ij '%2$S. Tichojmirisäx ri ruchuq'a', tisilöx ri Service Worker script, o tokisäx ri ruch'utukwi' Service-Worker-Allowed HTTP richin niya' q'ij chi re ri ruk'ojlem okisaxel.
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