
Displaying 1 result:

Entity en-US cak
Entity # all locales browser • crashreporter • crashreporter-override.ini
Firefox had a problem and crashed. We’ll try to restore your tabs and windows when it restarts.\n\nUnfortunately the crash reporter is unable to submit a crash report.\n\nDetails: %s
K'o jun ruk'ayewal ri Firefox ruma ri' toq xtz'apitäj. Xtitojtob'ëx xtitzolïx kiwäch ri taq tzuwäch chuqa' taq ruwi' e'ajaqon toq xtatikirisaj chik.\n\nK'ayew xtub'än ruma man xkatikïr ta xtatäq jun rutzijol sachoj.\n\nTaq rub'anikil: %s
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