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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • private-browsing-2023.ftl
Private browsing mode will not delete any new bookmarks you make from a private browsing window, or protect you from malware or viruses. It also doesn’t prevent the websites you visit from seeing where you are physically located or stop your internet service provider from logging what you do. You’ll need a <a href="{ $vpn }">trustworthy VPN</a> for that.
Režim privatnog pretraživanja neće izbrisati nove oznake koje napravite iz prozora privatnog pretraživanja niti će vas zaštititi od zlonamjernog softvera ili virusa. To također ne sprječava web stranice koje posjećujete da vide gdje se fizički nalazite niti sprečava vašeg internet provajdera da evidentira ono što radite. Za to će vam trebati <a href="{ $vpn }">pouzdani VPN</a>.
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