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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • fingerprinting.ftl
Fingerprinting is a type of online tracking that’s more invasive than ordinary cookie-based tracking. A digital fingerprint is created when a company makes a unique profile of you based on your computer hardware, software, add-ons, and even preferences. Your settings like the screen you use, the fonts installed on your computer, and even your choice of a web browser can all be used to create a fingerprint.
Otisak prsta je vrsta online praćenja koja je invazivnija od običnog praćenja zasnovanog na kolačićima. Digitalni otisak prsta nastaje kada kompanija napravi vaš jedinstveni profil na osnovu hardvera, softvera, dodataka, pa čak i preferencija vašeg računara. Vaša podešavanja kao što su ekran koji koristite, fontovi instalirani na vašem računaru, pa čak i vaš izbor web pretraživača, mogu se koristiti za kreiranje otiska prsta.
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