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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • fast-2024.ftl
All browsers had to make improvements in order to perform well on the new Speedometer 3 tests. { -brand-name-firefox } in particular made huge strides, <a { $link }>getting noticeably faster</a> for our users as a direct result of this work. { -brand-name-firefox } is faster than ever before, with speed you can really feel, including faster page loads and smoother interactions.
Svi pretraživači su morali da naprave poboljšanja kako bi se dobro pokazali na novim testovima Speedometer 3. { -brand-name-firefox } posebno je napravio ogromne korake, <a { $link }>postajući primjetno brži</a> za naše korisnike kao direktan rezultat ovog rada. { -brand-name-firefox } je brži nego ikada prije, sa brzinom koju zaista možete osjetiti, uključujući brže učitavanje stranica i glatkiju interakciju.
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