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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • what-is-a-browser.ftl
All browser makers develop their products to display images and video as quickly and smoothly as possible, making it easy for you to make the most of the web. They all work hard to make sure users have a browser that is fast, powerful and easy to use. Where they differ is why. It’s important to choose the right browser for you. { -brand-name-mozilla } builds { -brand-name-firefox } to ensure that users have control over their online lives and to ensure that the internet is a global, public resource, accessible to all.
Svi proizvođači pretraživača su posvećeni tome da svojim proizvodima omoguće brzo i glatko prikazivanje slika i video zapisa i poboljšaju vaše iskustvo na internetu. NJihovi napori čine pretraživače brzima, moćnima i jednostavnima za upotrebu. Pa zašto se razlikuju? Veoma je važno da izaberete pretraživač koji vam odgovara. { -brand-name-mozilla } gradi { -brand-name-firefox } tako da korisnici mogu da kontrolišu svoj digitalni život i tako da osiguraju da internet ostane globalni javni resurs, otvoren i dostupan svima.
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