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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • browser-history.ftl
In the future, the web will likely stray further from its hypertext roots to become a vast sea of interactive experiences. Virtual reality has been on the horizon for decades (at least since the release of Lawnmower Man in 1992 and the Nintendo Virtual Boy in 1995), but the web may finally bring it to the masses. { -brand-name-firefox } now has support for WebVR and A-Frame, which let developers quickly and easily build virtual reality websites. Most modern mobile devices support WebVR, and can easily be used as headsets with simple cardboard cases. A 3D virtual reality web like the one imagined by science fiction author Neal Stephenson may be just around the corner. If that’s the case, the web browser itself may completely disappear and become a true window into another world.
U budućnosti će se web vjerovatno udaljiti dalje od svojih hipertekstualnih korijena i postati ogromno more interaktivnih iskustava. Virtuelna stvarnost je na horizontu decenijama (barem od objavljivanja Lawnmower Man-a 1992. i Nintendo Virtual Boy-a 1995.), ali internet bi je konačno mogao donijeti masama. { -brand-name-firefox } sada ima podršku za WebVR i A-Frame, koji programerima omogućavaju da brzo i jednostavno grade web stranice virtuelne stvarnosti. Većina modernih mobilnih uređaja podržava WebVR i lahko se mogu koristiti kao slušalice sa jednostavnim kartonskim kućištima. Mreža 3D virtuelne stvarnosti kakvu je zamislio pisac naučne fantastike Neal Stephenson možda je iza ugla. Ako je to slučaj, sam web pretraživač bi mogao potpuno nestati i postati pravi prozor u drugi svijet.
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