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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • when-to-use-a-vpn.ftl
It’s a beautiful Saturday morning, and you’ve settled down on a park bench to sip a coffee and catch up on your favorite news sites, watch a few videos and do some quick online shopping while getting sun and fresh air. Rather than draining your allotted mobile data, you hop onto your city’s public WiFi service. It’s free, and run by the city, so it must be ok, right? The fact is, you can’t be certain the municipal network is secure or even real (see the next point) and set up to protect you from malicious people or entities spying on you while you’re connected. Turning on a VPN can help protect your device from anyone who tries to snoop on the sites you’re visiting or hijack your sensitive login information while you’re kicked back on that park bench any day of the week.
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