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Entity # all locales mail • messenger • aboutRights.ftl
Some features in { -brand-short-name }, such as the Crash Reporter, give you the option to provide feedback to { -vendor-short-name }. By choosing to submit feedback, you give { -vendor-short-name } permission to use the feedback to improve its products, to publish the feedback on its websites, and to distribute the feedback.
Delles carauterístiques en { -brand-short-name }, como por exemplu l'informador de casques, dante la opción d'apurrir comentarios a { -vendor-short-name }. Escoyendo unvialu, das-y a { -vendor-short-name } permisu pa usar les opiniones p'ameyorar los sos productos, pa espublizalu nos sos sitios web y pa distribuyilu.
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